K. Male'
11 Mar 2018 | Sun 08:20
Former President Maumoon waves as he was being taken into police custody on 5th February, under a state of emergency declaration
Former President Maumoon waves as he was being taken into police custody on 5th February, under a state of emergency declaration
Mohamed Sharuhaan
State of Emergency
Ex-Pres. Maumoon finally questioned, decides not to cooperate 'with an illegal investigation'
The former president was arrested on 5th February, hours after the declaration of a state of emergency
He is accused of bribery and attempted coup
The former President denies the allegations

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was questioned on Saturday, after 33 days in detention under the ongoing state of emergency.

Lawyer Mohamed Faisal from his legal team revealed that his client was questioned “for the first on the alleged charges” on Saturday.

Noting that he denied all the charges, Faisal said the former president has decided not to cooperate “with an illegal investigation”.

The political crisis in the Maldives intensified following a ruling issued by the court on 1st February, signed by all five justices, releasing nine political prisoners and reinstating the 12 parliamentarians unseated by the Elections Commission. However, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen refused to enforce the order, and instead declared a 15-day state of emergency across the nation on 5th February. This has since been extended by 30 days.

Maumoon was arrested on 5th February, hours after the declaration of the state of emergency. Not long after his arrest, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, and Justice Ali Hameed were taken into police custody, also under the state of emergency.

While they are accused of bribery and attempting to overthrow the government, police is seeking to charge them with “destroying evidence”.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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