K. Male'
11 Mar 2018 | Sun 06:49
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex VP Ahmed Adeeb
“Are you trying to blind Adeeb?” Wife to authorities
Adeeb’s family and lawyers have been repeatedly asking authorities to send him abroad for treatment
They have also expressed concern that he has not been attended to by a doctor since the declaration of the state of emergency
The government has refused to allow Adeeb to go abroad after claiming that he is a flight risk

Jailed former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb’s wife has expressed her frustration over authorities’ continued negligence of Adeeb’s medical condition.

Adeeb’s family and lawyers have been repeatedly asking authorities to send him abroad for treatment for a severe eye condition called glaucoma.

In a tweet on Saturday, Adeeb’s wife Maryam Nashwa said that authorities first tried to give him a questionable injection and are now trying to blind him after kidnapping him and keeping him in jail.

Adeeb’s family and lawyers have also expressed concern that he has not been attended to by a doctor since the declaration of the state of emergency on February 5.

The lawyers have recently leaked a doctor’s prescription recommending Adeeb seek a specialist for an eye operation abroad immediately. Doctors two years ago advised Adeeb to get tested for cancer due to cysts inside his body, but authorities have still not approved the screening.

The government has refused to allow Adeeb to go abroad, claiming that he is a flight risk.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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