K. Male'
09 Mar 2018 | Fri 18:01
Demonstrators gathered near the Artificial Beach on Friday, 9th March, 2018
Demonstrators gathered near the Artificial Beach on Friday, 9th March, 2018
Opposition Demonstration
Opposition kicks off Friday's demonstration calling for President Yameen's resignation
The parties have been holding demonstrations in the capital city nightly for five weeks now
Demonstrators are primarily calling for the Supreme Court ruling on February 1st to be implemented
The party has expressed concern over 'brutal and routine' crackdown on their demonstrations

Supporters of the allied opposition parties have gathered in front of the Maldivian Democratic Party camp in Heinveiru of capital city Malé, calling for independence of the judiciary and for President Abdulla Yameen's resignation.

The parties have been holding demonstrations in the capital city nightly for five weeks now, and their supporters in the out lying islands have also taken to the streets.

Demonstrators are primarily calling for the Supreme Court ruling on February 1st to be implemented, for the state of emergency ongoing in the nation to be lifted, and for those arrested under it to be released.

The party has expressed concern over 'routine' crackdown on their demonstrations, which the parties insist are peaceful. The police's attempts to disperse crowds have led to journalists as well as being demonstrators being hospitalized due to injuries they sustained. 

"Demonstrators were met with what has become typical Police brute force, since the crackdown began with President Yameen’s declaration of State of Emergency on February 5" the party's most recent statement on the matter said. 

A demonstration is also under in Gan island of Laamu Atoll, who are making their way to Fonadhoo island. There are reportedly about 30 officers of the police, clad in riot gear, deployed to disperse the crowd. 

The 'Joint Opposition' has said that they will continue to intesify demonstrations until the government is obliged to enforce the Supreme Court's unanimous ruling, a stand supported by 41 nations at the UN Human Rights Council sitting on Thursday. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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