K. Male'
09 Mar 2018 | Fri 15:22
Special Protection Group (SPG) officer Abbas
Special Protection Group (SPG) officer Abbas
VP Jihad's Bodyguard Arrested
Military police arrests Vice President Abdulla Jihad's bodyguard
The military has not informed his family of the arrest
A source has told RaajjeMV that Abbas was apprehended on Thursday
Abbas has previously served as bodyguard to President Abdulla Yameen and Parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh

Vice President Abdulla Jihad's bodyguard, and Special Protection Group (SPG) officer, Abbas has been arrested. 

Abbas, known to RaajjeMV by just this name at the time of publishing, was arrested by officers of the military police on Thursday evening. 

A source from within the military told RaajjeMV that officers have confiscated his mobile phone and had not informed his family after apprehending him. 

Abbas has previously served as bodyguard to President Abdulla Yameen and Parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh, and was one on the security team assigned to Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit here. 

The Maldives National Defence Froce has not officially revealed details of any arrests made within their barracks, claiming that such 'administrative information' has never been provided to the public. 

Some sources have reported the number of military officers currently in detension as being over 10. Sours also report that the number of police officers that have been apprehended since the government imposed Maldives' state of emergency as being about eight. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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