K. Male'
06 Mar 2018 | Tue 23:06
HDh Makunudhoo
HDh Makunudhoo
Dead Body Sighting
Dead body found near HDh Makunudhoo
The council received report of a fishing boat finding the body at around 1pm
A police boat has gone to recover the body six miles from the island
The body had a life jacket on

A dead body was found floating at sea near HDh Makunudhoo on Tuesday.

Speaking to RaajjeTV, island council member Hussain Shameem said they received report of a fishing boat finding the body at around 1pm.

A police boat has gone to recover the body six miles from the island.

The council member said they have not received details except that the body has a life jacket on. He also said that the police plan to bury the body if its not too badly decomposed, or else take it to the mortuary.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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