K. Male'
01 Mar 2018 | Thu 13:49
President Abdulla Yameen speaking at a rally held at the \'Rumaalu 2\' party campaign
President Abdulla Yameen speaking at a rally held at the 'Rumaalu 2' party campaign
Presidents Office
'No foul play' in ruling party acquiring state property for 'Rumaalu 2' camp
The party camp was opened in August of last year
The commission deemed that no violations had been made
The government earlier said that they had appointed the plot to have café developed

The Anti-Corruption Commission has said that there had not been any acts of corruption or misconduct in the ruling party acquiring a state property to establish a party camp.

The party camp, where the ruling party holds rallies and supporters gather for events, was built in the plot previously occupied by a shelter home.

The party camp was opened in August of last year, and its inauguration was met with accusations of graft against the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.

The commission deemed that the process through which the plot was given away to the party is in accordance to procedures.

The commission found that the housing ministry had announced for interested parties to send in their proposals to lease the plot for three years and develop it.

The party had applied and received most of the points, which the ministry allocated after having announced for proposals at least three times.

However, when the party camp was first launched the housing ministry had refuted allegations of corruption and said the plot was not given away to have a party camp built.

The ministry revealed that they had appointed the plot for a proposal to develop and operate a café and restaurant.

The ruling party responded to this, to say that they had acquired the plot on rent basis from an individual.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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