K. Male'
01 Mar 2018 | Thu 10:02
Sheikh Ali Zaid
Sheikh Ali Zaid
Sheikh Ali Zaid
False evidence and malicious prosecution will surely bring divine wrath: Sheikh Ali Zaid
Sheikh Zaid said this in a post on Twitter account on Wednesday
Zaid said that those who engage in acts like 'planting and tampering with evidence will surely face the wrath of Allah'. 

Those in the legal profession and in law enforcement must maintain integrity, and putting forth false evidence and subjecting defendants to malicious prosecution would bring about divine wrath, Sheikh Ali Zaid has said.

Zaid said this in a post on Twitter account on Wednesday, hours after authorities announced that they are ready to move forward with allegations against former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and a number of other detainees.

Zaid said that those who engage in acts like 'planting and tampering with evidence will surely face the wrath of Allah'. 

The Muslim scholar highlighted that those serving under the state and its office are never obliged to follow unlawful orders or engage in ‘sinful’ acts, and must resign before allowing themselves to do so.

Zaid had not explicitly named anyone on his post, but there have been several accusations of false evidence being put forth against individuals currently detained and being prosecuted.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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