K. Male'
28 Feb 2018 | Wed 12:21
Former deputy Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem, also a prominent lawyer
Former deputy Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem, also a prominent lawyer
Judicial Watch
President Yameen and law enforcement bodies are all in contempt of court: ex-deputy PG
He told RaajjeMV in an interview on Tuesday that said individuals will be tried and prosecuted
Shameem said this on the grounds of said individuals defying a court order
Shameem went on to say that state officials must maintain integrity and uphold the values of their respective offices

Former deputy Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has said that President Abdulla Yameen and law enforcement officers who support the government are all technically in contempt of court.

Shameem, who currently represents former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom in the state’s three separate allegations against him, said this on the grounds of said individuals defying a court order.

He told RaajjeMV in an interview on Tuesday that said individuals will be tried and prosecuted, having to then serve a jail term of at least 15 days.

Shameem went on to say that state officials must maintain integrity and uphold the values of their respective offices.

As such, he said that he had never allowed his personal misgivings about a court ruling or decision to alter his conduct during his time at the Prosecutor General’s Office.

In this regard, Shameem said that he had always upheld court orders and rulings despite not agreeing with them personally.

Shameem further said that those in the legal profession are obsolete and of no use of institutions do not enforce court rulings and decisions of the judiciary.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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