K. Male'
27 Feb 2018 | Tue 16:41
Mohamed Nadheem was arrested on February 6th
Mohamed Nadheem was arrested on February 6th
Azmoon Ahmed
Mohamed Nadheem
Police have yet to question ex-President Maumoon's jailed son-in-law
Nadheem's lawyer, Moosa Siraj revealed this in a post on Twitter
Nadheem has been detained since early February
Nadheem’s family has also previously expressed concern over authorities' refusal to allow access.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s son-in-law, Mohamed Nadheem, has yet to be questioned once by the police in the 20 days he has been incarcerated.

Nadheem has been detained since early February, when officers of the police apprehended former president Maumoon himself on allegations of bribing Supreme Court justices.

Nadheem was arrested on February 6th, and his lawyer took to Twitter to express concern over the police’s delay: ‘is this really professionalism?’ he asked.

In addition to Nadheem and Maumoon, Maumoon’s son and parliamentarian Ahmed Faris Maumoon has also been incarcerated.

Nadheem’s family has also previously expressed concern over the Maldives Correctional Services’ refusal to allow access.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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