K. Male'
27 Feb 2018 | Tue 13:00
Police have been accused numerous times of using disproportionate force
Police have been accused numerous times of using disproportionate force
Mohamed Sharuhaan
National Integrity Commission
NIC accepts Jumhooree Party cases accusing police of excessive force
The Jumhooree Party’s cases involve actions of the police during efforts to disperse demonstrations of protesters
The cases were filed by the party’s deputy leader Ahmed Sameer
Police have been accused numerous times of using disproportionate force when controlling, dispersing, and arresting protesters

The National Integrity Commission has accepted the cases filed with them against officers of the police by the Jumhooree Party, alleging use of excessive force.

The commission, which was established in 2016 to function as the oversight body for the police and other institutions of the state, accepted the case this week.

The Jumhooree Party’s cases involve actions of the police during efforts to disperse demonstrations of protesters, who have been gathering nightly in the capital city, on February 16th and 22nd.

The cases were filed by the party’s deputy leader Ahmed Sameer, and in a letter attached to them expressed concern over the matter.

Police have been accused of using disproportionate force when controlling, dispersing, and arresting protesters.

Officers clad in riot gear routinely use force and tactics such as tear gas and pepper spray, the latter of which is used on protesters nightly, to control demonstrations.

Given the instability on the streets of capital city Malé due to the ongoing state of emergency in the Maldives, altercations between civilians and authorities have significantly increased.

Allegations of abuse, misconduct, and force disproportionate to the situation against the police therefore arises nearly nightly.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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