K. Male'
26 Feb 2018 | Mon 12:17
Abdulla Saleem was left comatose due to direct actions of the police
Abdulla Saleem was left comatose due to direct actions of the police
Brutal Treatment of Protesters
Activist injured in protest wakes up from coma, still at ICU
Saleem's family has said that he is now able to talk
Doctors are yet keeping him at the ICU
Saleem woke up from a three-day coma on Sunday

Abdulla Saleem, an activist who was left comatose due to direct actions of the police, has regained consciousness, his family has said.

The man’s family has said that Saleem can now speak, although doctors are yet keeping him at the ICU (Intensive Care Unit).

Saleem woke up from a three-day coma on Sunday, after having had an altercation with officers that are accused of using excessive force.

Saleem had suffered a 'fit', or seizure, as a result of having been heavily pepper sprayed at close range. Doctors have since told Saleem’s family that he had suffered two fits the same night.

The family previously told RaajjeMV that Saleem 'shook his head' twice when being taken to the hospital and that he has remained motionless and unconscious since.

While Saleem is now recovering, his health was in serious decline earlier. Local newspaper Mihaaru previously reported that doctors said he had 50 percent chance of recovering.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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