K. Male'
25 Feb 2018 | Sun 23:38
United States Ambassador Atul Keshap
United States Ambassador Atul Keshap
Government Oppression
US Ambassador ‘mourns’ for Maldives democracy
The Ambassador in a tweet noted the numerous incidences of government oppression
Keshap and the US has called on the Maldives government to lift the State of Emergency

United States Ambassador Atul Keshap has said he mourns for Maldivian democracy following the political turmoil in the country.

The Ambassador in a tweet on Sunday noted the numerous incidences of government oppression during incumbent President Abdulla Yameen’s administration.

The incidences of government oppression include the on-going state of emergency, curfews, riot police, the jailing or exile of former Presidents, jailing of Supreme Court justices, lawmakers being blocked from parliament, protesters being pepper sprayed, and ‘online troll armies out in force’.

Keshap and the US has called on the Maldives government to lift the State of Emergency, which was declared on February 5 after President Yameen refused to obey a Supreme Court order to release nine political prisoners and reinstate 12 opposition MPs, saying it was part of a plot to overthrow the government.

During the State of Emergency, Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed was arrested along with Justice Ali Hameed at the courthouse. Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and numerous others have also been arrested.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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