K. Male'
24 Feb 2018 | Sat 18:01
Gasim Ibrahim
Gasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
State of Emergency
EU likely to impose sanctions on Maldives: Qasim Ibrahim
Qasim said that members of EU parliament have hinted this to him
He said that the EU imposing sanction will result in the country's economy suffering enormously
He called on business owners to stand up against the tyranny

Jumhooree Party's leader Qasim Ibrahim has said that the European Union could impose sanction in the Maldives, adding that members of EU parliament have hinted this to him.

Qasim noted that many countries have issued travel advisories on the Maldives due to the political developments. Noting that countries such as China and the United Kingdom have done so, Qasim said that the EU doing so will result in the country's economy suffering enormously. 

The opposition leader also voiced his concern that if the EU imposes sanctions on the Maldives, the nation will starve and suffer greatly. He asked for the nation to be vary of such a situation arising.

Noting that President Abdulla Yameen believes that the international community has no right to to comment on the Maldives' internal affairs, Qasim said that the President's foreign policy is causing great damage to the country.

Qasim further called on business owners to stand up against the atrocities being conducted by the current government, 

Gasim has called on all businesses to stand up against the atrocities being conducted by the government that affect businesses alike, and to speak up for the betterment of the economy, 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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