K. Male'
17 Feb 2018 | Sat 05:06
Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof  at time of arrest on Friday
Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof at time of arrest on Friday
Crackdown on opposition
MPs Mahloof, Mohamed released
Released after MPS issued summons on them

Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof and Ihavandhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Abdullah have been released. 

The two were arrested from Friday's opposition led protests in capital Male'. 

Speaking to RaajjeMV lawyer Moosa Siraj reported that the two were issued summons for Saturday, before they were released.

The Parliamentarian posted a tweet afterwards, stating that it was a sign of changing times that Police were not able to hold them even after summoning them to MPS several times. 

MP Mahloof is to present himself at MPS at 1700hrs and 2000hrs on Saturday. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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