K. Male'
14 Feb 2018 | Wed 06:58
Chief Justice Abdullah Saeed
Chief Justice Abdullah Saeed
Azmoon Ahmed
Arrest of Justices
Chief Justice received US$ 2.4 million as bribed: MPS
Had attempted to buy high valued assets abroad
Had deliberately attempted to obstruct state
Several gains in investigation

Maldives Police Service (MPS) says that Chief Justice Abdullah Saeed was bribed by US$ 2.4 million by a prominent company in the Maldives and that he had used that money.

Speaking in a press conference in Iskandar Koshi, Police Spokesperson Ahmed Shifan said that the investigation was progressing at a rapid rate.

As such, he said the investigative officers had discovered documented evidence that the Chief Justice had bought several high valued assets, conducted business transactions, both locally and abroad, and had flown to several destinations as well.

He also said that the Chief Justice had directly obstructed the state, including bringing down the IT network of the Supreme Court.

In a previous press conference, Police had revealed that the Chief Justice was beneficiary of US$ 2.4 million loan from another prominent company in the Maldives.

Shifan added that more evidence was discovered in the black bag removed from Najma Ibrahim’s residence. Najma is an associate of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. One piece of evidence in the said black bag, he said, showed that Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, on behest of his father President Maumoon, had met two Justices of the Supreme Court.

Several charges were raised on President Maumoon, including bribery, encourage dissent within armed forces and oust the legally elected Government.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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