K. Male'
11 Feb 2018 | Sun 15:09
President Abdulla Yameen
President Abdulla Yameen
Qasim Ibrahim
Qasim calls for arrest of President Yameen
Qasim played a crucial role in electing President Yameen
Qasim said the laundered money that jailed ex-VP Adeeb distributed belonged to President Yameen
Qasim’s son Ibrahim Siyad Qasim has been jailed

Jumhoree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim has called on security forces to arrest President Abdulla Yameen.

In a phone interview with VTV on Saturday night, the opposition leader said he worked tirelessly to elect President Yameen, but that he has now stepped off the legal boundaries.

In the interview, Qasim accused President Yameen of being involved in corruption, and said that the laundered money that jailed former Vice President Amed Adeeb distributed belonged to President Yameen.

Qasim claimed that the military, police service, and citizens are aware of President Yameen’s unlawful conduct, and that he has to answer for his actions.

He also noted the arrest and imprisonment of two Supreme Court justices after President Yameen refused to abide by the court order to release 12 opposition members.

Qasim’s son Ibrahim Siyad Qasim has also been jailed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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