K. Male'
09 Feb 2018 | Fri 14:16
Protesters and police officers
Protesters and police officers
Ashwa Faheem
Political Crisis in Maldies
Maldives crisis may get worse: UN
UN Security Council held a closed-door meeting on Thursday
UN Assistant Secretary-General said the situation may deteriorate further
State of emergency was triggered after the Supreme Court ordered the release of nine political prisoners

United Nations (UN) Security Council has been told that the political crisis in the Maldives may get worse.

The UN Security Council held a closed-door meeting on Thursday to discuss the situation in the Maldives.

UN Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenca reportedly told the UN body that while there were no reports of violent clashes, the situation may deteriorate further.

On February 1, the Supreme Court ordered the release of nine political prisoners and to reinstate 12 MPs into parliament.

Four days after the ruling, President Yameen declared the state of emergency and arrested Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed.

Jenca had spoken with the foreign minister by phone and asked him to release the Chief Justice immediately.

President Yameen has refused to meet with diplomats from the European Union as well as from Germany and the UK.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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