K. Male'
08 Feb 2018 | Thu 11:10
Chief Justice Abdullah Saeed with the First Couple
Chief Justice Abdullah Saeed with the First Couple
Presidents Office
Arrest of Justices
I’m innocent of allegations, says arrested Maldives’ Chief Justice
Allegations are baseless

Chief Justice Abdullah Saeed says the allegations raised against him by Maldives Police Service (MPS) were baseless rumors.

A statement released by the detained Chief Justice on Wednesday said that the allegations had no legal basis, denying the allegations.

The Chief Justice is charged with Accepting bribes, changing verdicts, using influence to the oust the legally elected Government and obstruction of justice and state.

Speaking in Wednesday’s press conference, Acting Commissioner of Police Abdullah Nawaz said that they had gained evidence and witness statements to support allegations on the four.

Lawyers add that MPS was holding the Chief Justice in detention in violation of the Constitution and for political means.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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