K. Male'
31 Jan 2018 | Wed 13:40
Elections Commission premises
Elections Commission premises
High Profile Resignations
Elections Commission chief Sulaiman resigns
Appointed to position in Pres. Yameen administration
Commission had nullified seats of 12 MPs
Commission under pressure from opposition over loss of seats

President of Elections Commission Ahmed Sulaiman has resigned from his position.

The resignation came at a time when the opposition had filed a petition in Supreme Court to temporarily relieve incumbent President Abdullah Yameen from his position and handover powers of state to Vice President Abdullah Jihad. 

The Commission had faced immense pressure over their decision to nullify Parliamentary seats of 12 Members of Parliament. Criticism had flowed to the Commission and Sulaiman over the decision, based on a ruling issued by Supreme Court over floor crossing. The said MPs had been going to the Commmission to seek a clear answer over the status for about two weeks now. 

The details of his resignation are yet to be made public. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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