K. Male'
24 Jan 2018 | Wed 17:27
File Photo: Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
File Photo: Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris - Bribery Case
Hearing in MP Faris’ bribery case set for Thursday
The hearing is set for 10 am
The Dhiggaru constituency was arrested in July, with Court ruling to keep him remand until investigation and trial into bribery allegations conclude
The lawmaker has since been charged with identity theft as well

Criminal Court has scheduled a hearing over the bribery allegations raised against Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon for Thursday.

The hearing is set for 10 am.

The last hearing in the case was held on January 18, Faris’ legal team had requested to carry out an independent investigation of all the evidence submitted at the court by prosecutors. The Court had granted seven days for Faris’ lawyers to submit a third party to conducted the analysis.

Hence, at Wednesday’s hearing the Court is expected to make a decision on the allowing the defence to do an independent investigation of the evidence.

Before concluding the last hearing, the Court had scheduled a hearing in the case for the 31st of January, which has not been cancelled.

Arrested on 18th July 2017, Criminal Court, the next day, ruled to keep the parliamentarian in detention for the duration of investigation and trial of the bribery charges. He has since been charged with identity fraud as well.

Faris had been spearheading the no-confidence motion against Parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed at the time of his arrest, and was constantly seen in the frontlines in the opposition’s reform work.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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