K. Male'
22 Jan 2018 | Mon 12:49
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking to attendees of the press conference
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking to attendees of the press conference
Constitutional Reform
Will bring in constitutional changes to maintain a coalition government: ex-Pres. Nasheed
Huge majority in Parliament when the single candidate is sworn in
Discussions on maintaining a coalition government is on
Will not allow hold elections illegally

Former President Mohamed Nasheed says that coalition governments disband commonly due to gaps in the law and therefore, the joint opposition is entertaining constitutional reform to address this issue.

Speaking to both local and international media at the Taj Samudra Hotel in Colombo on Monday, Nasheed spoke on the issue.

The former President, who was elected through a coalition, said that in the event a coalition disbands, then the Government will also disband. He added the joint opposition had discussed on maintaining a coalition as well as fielding a single candidate.

President Nasheed said that it was essential that coalition governments remained in power.

‘We go to elections through a coalition. Citizens vote for a coalition. But once in power, the coalition disbands, but the Government remains. I don’t believe this makes sense legally or logically. We believe that this change must happen,’ he said.

Changes to the Constitution to this effect, he said must begin on the day the single candidate is elected. That day, he added there will be a bigger majority in the Parliament to defend the Government sworn in.

Nasheed further added that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim had ruled out boycotting the elections later this year.

Both former President Nasheed and incumbent President Abdullah Yameen were elected through a coalition. However, the coalition had disintegrated soon after swearing in.

Speaking about the 2018 Presidential elections, Nasheed warned that President Yameen will seek to skew the results. As of now, he said that 10 to 15 percent of elections results had been changed. Nasheed warned that President Yameen will seek to increase this figure.

‘That’s why we have to win by 70 to 80 percent. With the will of God, we will claim that,’ he said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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