K. Male'
18 Jan 2018 | Thu 12:07
MP Abdulla Riyaz speaking in pariament
MP Abdulla Riyaz speaking in pariament
Mohamed Fazeen
MP Abdulla Riyaz
Police must find a sustainable means of tackling violence in schools, says ex-Commissioner Riyaz
MP Riyaz is currently a member of the opposition leadership and parliamentary representative for Kinbidhoo constituency
Riyaz stressed on the importance of tackling the violence in a sustainable manner

The Maldives Police Service needs to amend its policies in order to adequately address violence in schools and academic isntitutions, said former police commissioner Abdulla Riyaz.

MP Riyaz, currently a member of the opposition leadership and parliamentary representative for Kinbidhoo constituency, said that the police needs to lay down a framework to address the issue.

Riyaz also stressed on the importance of doing so in a sustainable manner, and in this regard called on the police to go about reinstating security to public schools, which was in place some time ago.

Then, a police officer had been posted outside every state-operated academic institutions, not unlike how an officer is currently posted outside hospitals and banks.

Officers of the Maldives Police Service have on Thursday been posted outside schools in capital city Malé after a series of violent incidents took place in them this week.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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