K. Male'
17 Jan 2018 | Wed 17:24
Opposition MPs leave after giving letter to Supreme Court
Opposition MPs leave after giving letter to Supreme Court
Dismissed MPs
Opposition leaders send letter to Supreme Court over dismissed MPs
The letter was signed by Nasheed (MDP), Gayoom (PPM), Qasim (JP), and Imran (AP)
The letter asked Supreme Court to guarantee MPs the right to represent their constituency in parliament
MDP PG leader questioned whether voting on bills in future sittings would be legitimate without the dismissed MPs

Leaders of the opposition parties have sent a letter of concern to the Supreme Court on Elections Commission (EC)’s decision to dismiss 12 MPs from their seats.

The letter was signed by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (leader of opposition faction of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)), former President Mohamed Nasheed (leader of main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)), Qasim Ibrahim (leader of Jumhoree Party JP)), and Imran Abdulla (leader of Adhaalath Party (AP)).

Opposition MPs took the letter to the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

Speaking to journalists outside, MDP’s Parliamentary Group (PG) leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said the rights of 60,000 citizens have been violated over the MPs’ removal from parliament. He said that, in the letter, the opposition leaders asked the Supreme Court to guarantee MPs the right to represent their constituency in parliament.

Solih also questioned whether the voting on bills in future parliament sittings would be legitimate without the dismissed lawmakers, and expressed his hope that the court will reply within a few days.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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