K. Male'
15 Jan 2018 | Mon 17:42
Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
Presidents Office
Trials on MPs
Removed MPs request meeting with chief justice
EC dismissed the MPs last year, and since then they have been unable to enter the parliament building
12 MPs are being charged for breaking and entering into parliament last year to vote to impeach the speaker
MPs maintain that they have the legal right to enter Parliament, and that officers do not have the authority to block them

Some lawmakers who had been removed from parliament by the Elections Commission (EC) has requested a meeting with Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed.

Speaking to journalists after filing the request at the Supreme Court, the MPs said that the EC is ignoring the Constitution and Supreme Court rulings.

They said that because of EC’s ruling they are being barred from entering the parliament building by security, and that they have requested the meeting to ask for a quick solution to the issue.

The lawmakers also said their appeal to EC’s decision has remained at the Supreme Court for days without a hearing.

A Supreme Court ruling on July 13th, last year, criminalized floor crossing, declaring that MPs will lose their seats if they either switch parties, quit or is expelled after winning on a political party ticket.

Following the ruling, the EC dismissed some MPs from their parliamentary seats for switching to the opposition.

On July 24th, last year, a number of opposition aligned MPs, who had been dismissed by EC, had entered parliament grounds after the military locked it down. A vote of no-confidence against government-aligned parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh was scheduled for that day.

Military officers then entered Parliament grounds and forcibly removed MPs from the building.

The State later charged the MPs for breaking and entering. They are:

1. Hinnavaru MP Ibrahim Mohamed Salih, opposition Maldivian Democratic Party’s Parliamentary Group Leader)

2. Kinbidhoo MP Abdulla Riyaz, who is Jumhoree Party’s leader

3. North Henveiru MP Abdulla Shahid, the former Speaker of Parliament

4. North Hithadhoo MP Mohamed Aslam

5. South Henveiru MP Mohamed Abdul Kareem

6. West Maafannu MP Mohamed Falah

7. Kendhoo MP Ali Hussain

8. Central Hithadhoo MP Ibrahim Didi

9. Nolhivaram MP Hussain Areef

10. Villingili MP Saud Hussain

11. Thulusdhoo MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim

12. Maduvvari MP Mohamed Ameeth

If found guilty, they will face jail sentences of up to four months and 24 days.

The MPs maintain that they have the legal right to enter Parliament, and that officers do not have the authority to block them.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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