K. Male'
14 Jan 2018 | Sun 18:32
Nasrulla Mustafa
Nasrulla Mustafa
Sheikh Nasrullah Mustafa
AP concerned over Islamic scholar suing journalists
Mustafa is suing Mihaaru News journalists over reporting allegations of him scamming people into unlicensed pilgrimages
AP said Maldivian journalists are exposed to extremely cruel legal barriers
The State is also suing Mustafa over familial neglect and possession of pornographic material

Adhaalath Party (AP) has expressed concern over religious scholar Nasrulla Mustafa filing suit against some journalists over defamation.

The country’s main religious party said on Twitter that it was “deeply concerned about the legal case.”

Mustafa is suing five journalists of Mihaaru News of reporting on allegations of him scamming people into unlicensed pilgrimages.

In the tweet, AP said “since the recent amendments, Maldivian journalists are exposed to extremely cruel legal barriers.” This was regarding the new anti-defamation laws.

The State is also suing Mustafa over familial neglect and possession of pornographic material. The scandal has led to Mustafa’s resignation as principal of state-owned Arabiyya School.

Photos are now circulating on social media of him inside the office of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) with party officials.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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