K. Male'
08 Jan 2018 | Mon 14:13
Home Minister Azleen Ahmed
Home Minister Azleen Ahmed
Murushidh Abdul Hakeem
2018 Presidential Elections
100 percent certain MDP will not have a candidate in the 2018 presidential elections, says Home Minister
He made the statement at a PPM gathering on Sunday night
He said President Yameen is the only 'eligible' candidate
Minister Azleen also criticized Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim

Minister of Home Affairs Azleen Ahmed has said that he is ‘a 100 percent certain’ that opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) will not have a candidate running in the upcoming presidential elections, slated for later this year.

He made the statement while speaking at a ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) gathering on Sunday night, where he reiterated that MDP’s leader, former President Mohamed Nasheed will not be able to contest in the election.

The Minister said that as the election draws near, the only eligible candidate seen is incumbent President Abdulla Yameen ‘from both sides’, adding that ‘this is God’s will’.

Noting that ‘none of the opposition leaders can contest,’ Azleen said that he, however, expects them to put forth ‘some’ candidate. However, the Minister said that he is certain that MDP will not have a candidate contesting in the election.

“You do not have to worry at all. Former President Mohamed Nasheed’s name will not be on the ballot in the presidential elections. This is not something I am just saying, Maldivian Constitution, laws and regulations does not allow him to do so,” added the Minister.

He further claimed that Nasheed’s time as the country’s leader had shown that he is unqualified for the job.

The Minister further claimed that the public health insurance scheme Aasandha, established during Nasheed’s administration, was originally introduced by the current President. Azleen said the only thing Nasheed did was ‘change the name from Madhana to Aasandha’, adding that President Yameen chose not to change the name of the scheme after coming into power. However, he did not provide any further details regarding ‘Madhana’ programme, including when it was introduced.

The Minister further criticized Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim, sentenced to over three years in jail, saying that the state decided to give him medical leave because they were made to feel like he was in serious condition and that ‘he might leave the world soon’.

Noting that Qasim has since traveled to Germany from Singapore ‘without even informing authorities,’ Minister Azleen accused the Maamigilli constituency MP of ‘deceiving’ authorities.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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