K. Male'
07 Jan 2018 | Sun 16:02
The building's name was revealed by the immediate family of the late Dr. R. Jaya Chidambar Pandian
The building's name was revealed by the immediate family of the late Dr. R. Jaya Chidambar Pandian
Mohamed Fazeen
ADK Hospital
ADK Hospital opens new wing named after late Dr. Pandian
The building's name was revealed by the immediate family of the late Dr. R. Jaya Chidambar Pandian
Dr. Pandian, the first and only doctor present when ADK first started, was serving as its medical director when he passed away in 2014
ADK said its new wing stands as 'a tribute to the memory of his invaluable services that will be remembered forever'

ADK Hospital has inaugurated its newest building on Sunday, officially naming the Dr. Pandian Wing after the first and only doctor present at the company after it started its medical services.

The late Dr. R. Jaya Chidambar Pandian (MBBS, FRCH) is an Indian national born in Chennai who served at ADK Hospital for 26 years, until his last days. He was serving as ADK’s medical director when he passed away, at ADK Hospital, on 7th January 2014, at the age of 56.

The building's name was revealed by the immediate family of the late doctor.

Noting that he had ‘devoted his life to serving the people of this country as a medical practitioner,’ ADK Hospital said that Dr. Pandian’s ‘dedicated services to ADK Hospital are embedded from the inception of its medical services’.

“The Dr Pandian Wing is a symbol of his immense contributions to the growth and development of this Hospital and his loyal services the people of this country,” said ADK Hospital, adding that “it stands as a tribute to the memory of his invaluable services that will be remembered forever”.

The building consists of six floors for admissions, and host a total of six wards. Each bed in the wards provide “added comfort and improved services and will set a new standard for general wad admission services in the country” said ADK.

Services from ward six and seven were initiated on the 1st of January, with ADK saying that ‘the remaining wards and other facilities in the building will be gradually initiated in the coming weeks’.

It said that the second floor of the building ‘is dedicated to health checkups and medical screening services’ and that ground and first floors will host a restaurant, food corner; which will serve inpatients, outpatients, as well as the general public.

ADK Hospital said that its aim is “to provide the best of services to [their] patients and other customers who seek [their] services,” adding that it will continue to improve services to enhance the patient experience and care provided by the hospital.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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