K. Male'
05 Jan 2018 | Fri 13:37
Students attending a school in capital city Malé
Students attending a school in capital city Malé
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Opposition Coalition
Ministry faces criticism over lack of teachers in public schools this semester
The joint opposition parties had held a press conference on Thursday
The government has reportedly revealed that there are 400 teaching positions available
The opposition parties expressed concern over the government's 'carelessness' towards education

The joint opposition parties have released a statement criticize the lack of public school teachers, as they reopened for a new semester this January.

MP Imthiyaz Fahmy of the Maldivian Democratic Party, the largest in the coalition, said at a press conference on Thursday that Education Ministry has called for 400 new teachers.

The parliamentarian said that this figure shows that the government is severely lacking teachers for schools across the country, which are already understaffed.

Fahmy said that local schools, which are already understaffed and that having to hire teachers are unfamiliar to employment at educational facilities run by the state will be reflected in the quality of education they provide.

He said that the joint opposition parties, which also comprises of the Jumhooree Party, the Adhaalath Party, and one faction of the divided ruling Progressive Party of Maldives.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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