K. Male'
03 Jan 2018 | Wed 16:36
Kimbidhoo Constituency MP and former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz
Kimbidhoo Constituency MP and former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz
Capital Punishment
Pres. Yameen will not implement capital punishment: MP Riyaz
All arrangements completed
Pres. Yameen assured all resources will be amassed by September 2017
Capital punishment was last implemented in 1953

Kimbidhoo Constituency MP and former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz says that President Abdullah Yameen would not implement capital punishment.

Home Minister Azleen Ahmed stated that all arrangements to implement capital punishment were completed and that capital punishment can be implemented.

Responding to the claims, MP Riyaz tweeted that the issue of capital punishment was touted whenever the Government needed votes from a certain sect of the population. Therefore, he said, he did not believe that this will be implemented even when this tenure ended.

Last year August, President Yameen said that all resources required for this will be amassed by end of September 2017.

The Government collated regulations on implementing capital punishment in 2016.

Capital punishment was last implemented in the Maldives in 1953.

As of now, three individuals are to undergo capital punishment. They are Hussain Humaam, for the murder of late Parliamentarian Dr. Afrasheem Ali, Mohamed Murrath, for the murder of lawyer Ahmed Najeeb and Mohamed Nabeel, for the murder of Abdullah Farhad.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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