K. Male'
03 Jan 2018 | Wed 16:36
Central Henveyru Constituency MP Ali Azim; one of the vocal critics of the Government
Central Henveyru Constituency MP Ali Azim; one of the vocal critics of the Government
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Religion in the Maldives
MPs Imthiyaz, Azim criticizes Govt. policies on religion
Azim defined President as close to corruption, theft
Concerning that corruption, theft, cruelty as normal in Islam

Two Members of the Parliament have criticized the policies of the Government on Islam and religion.

Their criticism came amid the backlash the Government had received over the New Year’s Eve show, where dancers were seen in scanty costumes.

Organizers of the show, Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation (MITDC) had issued a public apology for the show.

MP Ali Azim, representative for the Central Henveyru Constituency, tweeted a photo of the apology issued by MITDC. In the accompanying message, written in Dhivehi, MP Azim said the President was a coward and closely connected to corruption and theft. He also said that President was a deceitful one and had made a mockery of Islam.

Another twitter user responded for the tweet, stating that saying sorry after every action was not enough.

Maafannu North Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy also said that the present administration’s attempts to normalize, desensitize the public and thereby legalize theft, graft, injustice and cruelty were the biggest challenges to Islam in the Maldives.

The Government’s recent actions with regards to the New Year’s Eve show had come under fire by the opposition and the public.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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