K. Male'
31 Dec 2017 | Sun 16:20
President Abdulla Yameen (center left) arrives at a ceremony with Speaker Abdulla Maseeh (center right)
President Abdulla Yameen (center left) arrives at a ceremony with Speaker Abdulla Maseeh (center right)
Attacks on MPs
Govt actions caused Maldives to lose all appearances of a state: Shifaz
Attacks on MPs is a sign that Maldives is losing State-like quality
Citizens have shown lack of support for government through representatives in parliament

President Abdulla Yameen’s administration this year has caused Maldives to lose the qualities of being a State, says Mohamed Shifaz, the Vice President of opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Shifaz said that barring MPs from the parliament and unlawfully detaining and charging them is evidence of this.

Shifaz said that the government had realized that it had lost the support of citizens when the Yameen administration lost its majority in parliament.

The citizens had shown their lack of support for the government through their representatives in parliament, he explained.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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