K. Male'
30 Dec 2017 | Sat 15:48
The Haa Alif Atoll island is known for the majority of its resident being supporters of the joint opposition parties
The Haa Alif Atoll island is known for the majority of its resident being supporters of the joint opposition parties
Maldivian Democratic Party
MDP supporters in Ihavandhoo host feast with over 700 attendees
MDP president for the Ihavandhoo constituency Ahmed Abdulla said that most of the island’s residents had attended
The Haa Alif Atoll island is known for the majority of its resident being supporters of the joint opposition parties

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party’s branch in Ihavandhoo island of Haa Alif Atoll has held a feast with over 700 attendees.

The party chairperson’s financial deputy and president for the Ihavandhoo constituency Ahmed Abdulla said that most of the island’s residents had attended the feast.

Ahmed Abdulla said that the event received tremendous support, and this reinstated the party’s aim to promote inclusivity within the community.

The Haa Alif Atoll island is known for the majority of its resident being supporters of the joint opposition parties.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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