K. Male'
29 Dec 2017 | Fri 10:44
MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef
MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef
Ahmed Muhsin
Government VS Opposition
‘No doubt’ over Nasheed running in 2018 election: Hassan Latheef
Opposition coalition agree Presdent Yameen should be removed
FTA is dangerous agreement that could allow Maldives to come under China's control
MDP willing to hold negotiations with government as long as Nasheed is allowed to join

There is “no doubt” that Nasheed will be able to run in the 2018 presidential election, says Hassan Latheef, the Chairperson of opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

Speaking on a RaajjeTV programme on Thursday night, Latheef said that President Abdulla Yameen will have to allow a fair and transparent election.

Latheef said that the opposition coalition parties have different ideologies, but all agree that President Yameen needs to be removed.

He said that foreign countries and organizations will help bring about a fair and transparent election.

Latheef dismissed the ruling party’s PG leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik’s claim that Nasheed is not eligible to run in the 2018 election. Latheef said Nihan does not know as much as President Yameen knows, and will be embarrassed later for what he says now.

He also said President Yameen should be ashamed for asserting there was corruption in the MDP administration, and that it was only his administration that is known for oppression, theft, and corruption.

Latheef also said the FTA with China was a dangerous agreement that could potentially allow Maldives to come under its control.

On the topic of negotiations with the government, he said MDP is still willing to hold the negotiations, as long as Nasheed is allowed to attend the meetings via teleconference.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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