K. Male'
29 Dec 2017 | Fri 10:45
Expatriate workers
Expatriate workers
Ashwa Faheem
Expat Workers
Expat workers required to deposit pay in accounts starting July 2018
Expat workers who do not deposit salaries into accounts in their name will be penalized starting July 2018
The government has imposed a three percent remittance tax to monies expatriate workers send oversees

The government has once again extended the deadline, for expatriate workers to deposit their salaries into bank accounts, to July of next year.

A new amendment to the Employment Agency Regulation, which came out on Thursday, states that expat workers who do not deposit salaries into accounts in their name will be penalized starting July 2018.

The government will issue a fine of MVR 10,000 to MVR 50,000 to the offending expat’s employment agency.

Expat workers were required to deposit their salaries into bank accounts after the government imposed a three percent remittance tax to monies they send oversees.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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