K. Male'
29 Dec 2017 | Fri 10:44
N Landhoo
N Landhoo
Sudden Death
Two fishermen die separately on one boat
The two men had been close friends

Two fishermen have died a sudden death separately on the same boat in a week.

The men had died while out fishing on a boat from N Landhoo.

Adam Ismail (45) died on December 21, a Thursday, and Ahmed Faisal (45) died on December 28, also a Thursday.

Landhoo Council Member Abdulla Arif has confirmed this to RaajjeMV.

“Adam and Faisal are very close friends. They always go for coffee together when they’re in the island. They are also close friends of mine. Faisal is especially notable for organizing Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) activities. Last night we had been talking to MDP members in the island for the upcoming new year. After that we went for coffee at 22:30. Then Faisal went fishing at midnight. Today we received news of his death. It’s very said.”

Some media reports cited Kendhikulhudhoo Health Centre officials as saying that the two fishermen had died of heart attacks.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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