K. Male'
27 Dec 2017 | Wed 08:07
JP Leader Qasim Ibrahim
JP Leader Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Current Political Crisis
JP Leader says Maldivians would not have to wait 'that long' for a better nation
Delivered statement in joint opposition's panel discussion

Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim says that Maldivians would not have to wait 'that long' for a better nation, that honors their aspirations. 

He made the statement in message issued on the occasion of National Unity Day. 

The statement was read out in the panel discussion held by the joint opposition. 

In his statement, the JP leader said that he was with the public, adding that he was assured that he will be able to meet Maldivians, very soon.

In his address, Qasim addressed the issue of bilateral relations. He warned that if Maldives continued to fray from a non-aligned foreign policy, it would reflect negatively on the nation, especially in times of crisis. 

He said picking and choosing international allies, will lead to a scenarion where Maldives would be excluded from the international community. Those hand picked allies, he said, could easily exploit the Maldives, preferring to ignore Maldives in times of crisis. 

Qasim also stressed on the importance on working for rights, adding that perserverance, sincerity and determination was a key aspect of this.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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