K. Male'
27 Dec 2017 | Wed 07:38
President Abdullah Yameen
President Abdullah Yameen
Housing Ministry
Floor Crossing Controversy
Pres. Yameen okays floor crossing, despite supporting penalization
Political parties should not be a bar to run the state
No party, politician can hamper state rights
Every citizen has right to leave party if it hampers state operations

President Abdullah Yameen has, once again, weighed in on the issue of floor crossing, stating that so long as there was a ‘valid enough reason’ to do so.

The statement, delivered as part of speech given to residents of Thulhaadhoo island in Baa atoll, was laden with heavy criticism of the opposition, especially to Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

In his speech, President Yameen said that political parties should not be a bar for the state and nation to function. As such, no party or politician can hamper the rights of the state and said that any member had the right to leave the said party if they are actively hampering rights of the state.

President Yameen equated leaving such parties as a national responsibility.

While the President had claimed this as such, the Elections Commission had nullified the Parliamentary seats of 12 Parliamentarians, who had left ruling faction of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM). The 12 MPs had left PPM after they had raised issues over principles and actions of PPM.

In this address as well, President Yameen had played the imperialistic forces card, citing that every citizen should actively work against this. The state and citizens, he said, had the ability and know how to resolve the internal issues facing the nation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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