K. Male'
27 Dec 2017 | Wed 08:08
Parliamentary representative for Dhihdhoo Constituency Abdul Latheef Mohamed
Parliamentary representative for Dhihdhoo Constituency Abdul Latheef Mohamed
Political Crisis
MP Latheef paints Pres. Yameen as an isolated figure, only placing trust in First Lady
MPs Nihan, Abdul Raheem lack the drive
Pres. does not trust Party leadership
MPs closest to Pres. criticize him behind

Parliamentary representative for Dhihdhoo Constituency Abdul Latheef Mohamed says that President Abdullah Yameen is an increasingly isolated figure, only placing his trust in First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim Didi.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program, MP Latheef said the few MPs closest to him do not have the President’s trust or faith but were there on their own accord, for their own personal gain.

He went on to add that MPs Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik and Abdul Raheem Abdullah, two who hold key positions in ruling faction of Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), openly criticize the President behind his back. MP Latheef added the President was more than aware of this and due to this had chosen to place his full trust in the First Lady, which is why the First Lady is more prominent in the Party.

MP Latheef further criticized MPs Nihan and Abdul Raheem, stating that the duo lacked drive. Any attempts made by these two individuals, he said, were to paint a positive picture and to praise the President. He said these and some like them, choose to openly criticize the President once his back was turned to them.

MP Latheef also addressed the increased prominence for the First Lady in the program. MP Latheef said that any activity run by her used and abused state resources. He added there was serious infighting in the Party wings over who will be President Yameen’s running mate for 2018 Presidential elections.

MP Latheef concluded by stating that the best course of action for the President would be to recuse himself from contesting in next year’s elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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