K. Male'
26 Dec 2017 | Tue 16:51
Former Assistant Commissioner of Police Mohamed Jamsheed
Former Assistant Commissioner of Police Mohamed Jamsheed
Political Crisis in Maldives
ACP Jamsheed demoted for slanderous statements
Second demotion came for alleged harassment of a female officer
Currently at Superintendent position
Demotion came in late October

RaajjeMV understands that former Assistant Commissioner of Police Ahmed Jamsheed was demoted for having made slanderous statements about senior figures of Maldives Police Service (MPS). 

Jamsheed, who had served as head of Intelligence at MPS, was first demoted to the position of Chief Superintendent. The first demotion came due to his slanderous statements; a decision which was reviewed and passed by MPS Professional Standards Command. 

The second demotion came after the Disciplinary Board reviewed the case, citing the first penalty was insufficient. 

As per Police hierarchy, Superintendents report to Chief Superintendents who then report to Assistant Commissioner of Police.

The decision was passed in October. Implementation was delayed as Home Minister Azleen Ahmed had not signed the authorization.

Jamsheed was head of Police Intelligence when the explosion occurred on the Presidential speed launch ‘Finifenmaa’. He was removed from the position shortly afterward.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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