K. Male'
25 Dec 2017 | Mon 17:47
Screen grab from CCTV footage of Adeeb in his jail cell
Screen grab from CCTV footage of Adeeb in his jail cell
Ex-VP Adeeb
Adeeb’s medical case sent to trial, failing dispute resolution stage
Two hearings held under dispute resolution stage
State had refused to grant medical leave, in spite of doctor’s recommendation
Family of ex-VP say state had been negligent

The case filed by family of former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, to release him for medical leave, was sent to trial on Monday, following failure to reach a resolution at the Civil Court.

The case was filed by the family against Maldives Police Service (MPS), Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) and Home Ministry. It was sent to dispute resolution division.

In the hearings, the state had declined to issue release for the former VP, even refusing to accepting to accept the medical documents submitted by defense, issued by doctors.

Due to this, the case was sent to trial.

The defense had also requested for Adeeb to be transferred back home while the Court arrived at a decision on the case filed.

Since March this year, Adeeb had been under MPS custody. He was transferred to MPS custody, under an order from Home Ministry. MPS maintains that they were providing security for Adeeb, while MCS provides medical care.

Family and defense of the former VP continue to press that his life is in danger, due to the various complications he had faced. They say that he suffered from internal cysts, kidney stones and glaucoma. Doctors have recommended that he undergo medical treatment abroad. However, authorities have refused to grant him leave citing that he is a flight risk.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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