K. Male'
25 Dec 2017 | Mon 16:41
Health Minister Abdulla Nazim
Health Minister Abdulla Nazim
Government VS Opposition
Opposition does nothing to hold govt accountable: Minister Nazim
Health Minister accused opposition of doing nothing to hold government accountable
Hinnavaru citizens, who had supported MDP, will not be fooled anymore, he said

Health Minister Abdulla Nazim has said that the opposition has got nothing substantial to say on holding the government accountable.

In a speech at the inauguration ceremony of a new water supply system in his home island of Lh Hinnavaru on Sunday, the Minister said having a responsible opposition is crucial for a democracy.

Minister Nazim accused the opposition of doing nothing to hold the government accountable.

While Hinnavaru residents previously supported opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), its three-year administration had neglected the island, he said, adding that the citizens will not be fooled anymore.

He also said that President Abdulla Yameen came to power to solve the people’s problems, and that the current administration has been finding solutions and bringing progress to citizens of HInnavaru and across the country.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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