K. Male'
25 Dec 2017 | Mon 07:14
Transfer of patients in Maabaidhoo island
Transfer of patients in Maabaidhoo island
Public Health Sector
Ambulance services in Maabaidhoo halts, temporary measures taken to transport patients
Service halted after ambulance broke down
Patients lifted using temporary measures
Need a quick resolution

Council for Maabaidhoo island in Laamu Atoll reported that the ambulance services in the island had halted.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a member of the Council reported to RaajjeMV that there was only one ambulance for the island. That ambulance, he said was damaged beyond use in an accident that occurred earlier in the day.

He also noted that a patient that was admitted in the hospital on Sunday had to be transferred back home in a makeshift manner.

No statement was given by the health center over the issue.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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