K. Male'
24 Dec 2017 | Sun 18:09
President Yameen greets N Holhudhoo residents
President Yameen greets N Holhudhoo residents
President Yameen
President Yameen: All projects will be completed before 2019
President Yameen claims most of his presidential campaign pledges have been fulfilled

President Abdulla Yameen has vowed that all the projects begun by his administration, and projects began and neglected by other administrations which have been re-started by his government, will be completed before 2019.

The President said this in a speech at the inauguration of the N Holhudhoo harbor, during a three-day trip to islands in Southern Miladhunmadulu, Southern Maalhosmadulu, and Faadhippolhu’s Hinnavaru.

Addressing the Holhudhoo residents, President Yameen said the ongoing harbor, water supply, sewerage, and road development projects will be completed in 2018.

He said this will allow new projects to be placed in the 2019 budget.

He also declared that a large number of his presidential campaign pledges have been fulfilled.

Taking jabs at the opposition, President Yameen said some will claim that Holhudhoo’s new harbor, which cost more than MVR 60 million, could have been built cheaper. However, it is easy to grasp why the harbor was built at that price, and why the new IGMH building cost two to three billion Rufiyaa, he said.

He also went on to criticize the foreign countries’ condemnation of his administration by saying that different nations have different types of democracies, and that the “liberal democracy” of western countries does not fit Maldives.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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