K. Male'
24 Dec 2017 | Sun 18:13
Maldivians in Syria
Maldivians in Syria
Extremism in the Maldives
Maldivian in Syria killed
Deceased is a 25-year-old, native to Naivaadhoo island
Departed to Syria earlier this year
State had criminalized joining civil conflicts abroad

A youth, who had joined the civil conflict in Syria, has been killed.

RaajjeMV understands that the deceased is a 25-year-old, native to Naivaadhoo island in Haa Dhaal Atoll.

It is also understood that the youth had departed to Syria earlier this year. His family was informed of his death sometime last week.

Reportedly, he was killed in an aerial attack to the area where he was stationed in.

Most of the Maldivians in the Syrian civil conflict had joined the Nusra front, allied with the Al-Qaeda.

The Government of Maldives had downplayed the number of Maldivians who had joined the conflict, pegging the number at 50. However, various sources had raised the number to around 200.

The Government had criminalized joining civil conflicts abroad. Several individuals who had returned back to the Maldives, have been tried on criminal charges.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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