K. Male'
24 Dec 2017 | Sun 18:11
President Yameen at Henbadhoo
President Yameen at Henbadhoo
President Yameen
President Yameen: Will have to clean ears before listening to opposition
President Yameen said he will be receptive to people talking about national activities
President Yameen does not believe in finding solutions to governmental issues outside the government
He warned against involving foreign countries in national issues

President Abdulla Yameen has said that if anyone wants to talk to him about not being able to protest at a particular place, or complain about keeping a particular person in prison, they will have to clean his ears first.

The President made the jibe in a speech at N Henbandhoo, during a three-day trip to islands in Southern Miladhunmadulu, Southern Maalhosmadulu, and Faadhippolhu’s Hinnavaru.

Addressing the Henbadhoo residents, President Yameen said his ears will become “very sharp” if people come to him with “green, red, and white”, the colors of the Maldivian flag, to talk about national activities.

On another note, he said the opposition refrains from raising the issue of small neglected islands because they had failed to help them when the opposition were in power.

President Yameen also said he finds it difficult to accept the idea of finding solutions to governmental issues outside the government, or with the help of foreign countries.

He goes on to say that foreigners should not be involved in national decisions, and gave a historical example of the Portuguese invasion for how it had gone wrong.

Also in his speech, President Yameen said he is ready to help any citizen, but that he holds a special place in his heart for Noonu Atoll.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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