K. Male'
24 Dec 2017 | Sun 18:05
President Abdulla Yameen is greeted by Holhudhoo residents
President Abdulla Yameen is greeted by Holhudhoo residents
Holhudhoo harbor
President Yameen inaugurates N Holhudhoo harbor
The harbor project was given to MTCC in 2014, to be completed within 300 days
The project was financed with MVR 61m from the State budget

President Abdulla Yameen has inaugurated the new harbor at Noonu Holhudhoo.

The inauguration ceremony was held on Sunday at the island’s harbor area.

The 900ft long and 200ft wide harbor project was given to MTCC in 2014, to be completed within 300 days.

The project was financed with MVR 61 million from the State budget.

President Yameen is on a three-day trip in which he is set to visit some islands in Southern Miladhunmadulu, Southern Maalhosmadulu, and Faadhippolhu’s Hinnavaru.

During the trip, he will be inaugurating the completion and construction of government projects in the islands.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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