K. Male'
20 Dec 2017 | Wed 16:43
Nolhivaram beach
Nolhivaram beach
Lost at Sea
Authorities search for Nolhivaram woman missing at sea
Missing woman is 41-year-old Shaahida Ali of Manzaruge
Council says she was on medication for a mental illness

The police and defense force are searching for a woman who went missing after going for a swim in Nolhivaram island of Haa Dhaal Atoll on Wednesday.

Police said they received the missing persons report on the 41-year-old at 11:00am.

Vessels of the military’s northern wing have surrounded the island and are searching the ocean.

Nolhivaram Council Member Ibrahim Nasir said the woman, who was on medication for a mental illness, went for a swim early morning without notifying anyone.

Mr Nasir said that while some have claimed to have seen her return after the swim at 8:30am, her whereabouts are unknown.

He said the missing woman was last seen near the cemetery, which is close to the beach.

The council has reported that the missing woman is Shaahida Ali of Manzaruge.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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