K. Male'
18 Dec 2017 | Mon 10:49
Majeedhee magu
Majeedhee magu
Simaha Naseem
Road Repairs
Repairs on Majeedhee magu yet to be fully completed: Housing Ministry
13 roads to undergo repairs
Ministry said work on Majeedhee magu is ongoing
Road open to public

Repairs on Majeedhee magu were still underway, says Housing Ministry.

Majeedhee magu is one of the first main roads to undergo repairs as part of Ministry’s plans to renovate main roads in capital Male’ city.

Speaking to RaajjeTV Housing Ministry’s media consultant Ahmed Fazal Hussain said work was still on going on the road. He said once completed, the Ministry would update public via media.

Even though, the Ministry said the road was still under repair, the road is already open to public. Ministry was silent on what type of repairs were being carried out.

Repairs on Majeedhee magu began middle of last year.

Thirteen main roads ware to be repaired under the plan:

  • Majeedhee magu
  • Ameenee magu
  • Shaheedh Ali Hin’gun
  • Izzuddin magu
  • Kam’baa aisa rani Hin’gun
  • Orchid magu
  • Chaandhanee magu
  • Lily magu
  • Buruzu magu
  • Haveeree hin’gun
  • Lonuziyaaraaiy magu
  • Ameer Ahmed magu

The Government launched the plan to repair roads in capital Male’ after years of neglect, causing difficulties to public.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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