K. Male'
16 Dec 2017 | Sat 17:29
VP Abdulla Jihad ahead of a meeting with a diplomat from Singapore
VP Abdulla Jihad ahead of a meeting with a diplomat from Singapore
Mohamed Fazeen
MIF 2017
Vice President Jihad leaves to Dubai for Maldives Investment Forum 2017
The Maldives Investment Forum is held annually and is aimed at promoting investment opportunities in the country
This year’s forum is to be inaugurated on December 18th and will be held in Dubai, UAE
Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed, Emirati Minister of Economy Mohamed Saeed, and prominent Asian businessman Chutinant Bhirombhakdi will all speak at the forum

Vice President Abdulla Jihad has left to the United Arab Emirates where he is to participate in the inauguration of the Maldives Investment Forum 2017.

The forum is held annually and aims at showcasing investment opportunities in the Maldives, with representatives from both the private and public sectors.

This year’s forum is to be inaugurated on December 18th, and high-ranking officials of both the Maldivian and Emirati governments are to speak at the forum.

These include Jihad himself, Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed, Emirati Minister of Economy Mohamed Saeed, and prominent Asian businessman Chutinant Bhirombhakdi.

The forum is primarily going to be presentations from said businesses, in the public and private sector, and will be followed by an exhibition and a gala dinner.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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