K. Male'
13 Dec 2017 | Wed 08:11
President Yameen in Tuesday night's event
President Yameen in Tuesday night's event
2018 Presidential Elections
Pres. Yameen opens new campaign office
New office opened in three floor building created in West Park premises
Office opened by President Yameen
First Lady leading the office

A campaign office, ‘President Yameen 2018’, was opened Tuesday evening.

The new office was opened by President Abdullah Yameen.

The new office is located on the three floor building created in West Park premises. Senior Government officials, Members of Parliament from ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) and First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim participated in the opening ceremony.

Speaking to some media, MIFCO Managing Director Adhlee Ismail said the First Lady would be leading the initiatives from the office. He added the office will focus on the President’s re-election bid.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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